
Intimate controllers remind us that touching is good

After designing a Pong controller built into a bra (touch the left cup to move left, the right to move right), Jennifer Chowdhury heard the term "gamer widowhood" where men essentially abandoned their wives in favor of playing video games. This got the ole gears turning: could a game actually bring couples closer together? Behold the solution: Intimate Controllers.

The idea is simple: a dozen sensors are built into a matching pair of boxers and a bra. The couple wears the undergarments and watches the game screen nearby with their hands placed on each other. At various points in the game players will need to touch certain sensors on their partner in order to progress (yes, let your imagination run free with that one). After watching the video, you'll realize there are many, many reasons you'll want to get further in this game.

Jenny's thesis project is a fascinating concept, and we're not just saying that for obvious reasons. Playing video games with other people is a form of bonding, but the Intimate Controllers take the idea and run with it. You get to play a game, and there's lot of groping going on in the process. We really don't see a down side.

[Thanks, Steve]
