
Conan O'Brien visits, mocks Intel HQ

Sure it's interesting to watch geeks give other geeks tours of data centers, automated warehouses, fab plants, and the like, but sometimes you'd rather just kick back and hear an outsider's perspective on an industry we sometimes take way too seriously. So we're sure a lot of you will get a kick out of Conan O'Brien's recent tour of Intel's Santa Clara headquarters (video after the break), where instead of discussing northbridges and front side bus speeds, the mischievous host mocks the company's drab grey interior and Dilbert-esque maze of cubes delineated parking lot-style by letter-number combinations. While a few of the bits fall flat (don't play dumb Conan -- we all know you went to Harvard), the carrot-topped ex-Simpsons writer really falls into stride when he meets a group of second graders touring the Intel museum: "Was this your first choice for a field trip, kids?" "NOOOOOO!!!" [Warning: Video may be NSFW due to a brief scene of animals engaged in adult relations.]

Update: Whoops, guess NBC Universal doesn't like YouTube hosting Conan clips, 'cause the video that was formerly after the break and all those like it have mysteriously disappered. So you'll just have to take our word and that of your fellow readers: it was pretty funny.

Update 2: Thank heaven for all the YouTube clones! Video is up over here. Let's hope clipstr stays under the radar for a little while longer.