
Top ten toilet titles

Bathroom gaming

and portable gaming have always gone hand in hand -- after they've been thoroughly washed, of course -- so it's fitting that the private pastime go public with a "best of" list. Not sure which restroom releases to play while planted on the porcelain pot? The Tanooki has ten suggestions that'll bring you some relief.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney tops the lavatory list, though you might have to hold it for a while if you're planning to see an entire court case through to its end. Elite Beat Agents, everyone's favorite rhythm game, actually gets negative marks for its soundtrack: "Being forced to listen to Avril Lavigne and Hoobastank during your time of peril does far more harm than good."

We were upset to see Puzzle Quest missing from the tally, but not every bathroom gamer shares our love of puzzle/RPG hybrids, shocking as that may seem. Which games do you take along with you to the loo? It is imperative that you tell us.