
Game Developer Census details nearly 600 companies in North America

It's a groundbreaking achievement, and you probably can't afford it. The CMP Media Group has just published an exhaustive list of every significant game publisher and developer in North America. The publication details approximately 510 companies in the United States, and an additional 80 in Canada, and includes the full postal address, phone number, e-mail contact, URL, approximate number of employees, and examples of games produced for every included business, as well as details regarding the particular focuses of each company.

In addition to the comprehensive directory, the census also reveals that over 39,700 individuals are currently employed by the games industry in the United States, and around 8,100 in Canada. Of those employees in the United States, over 46% are working in California, with Washington state a far second at 11%, and Texas third with 7.37%.

Individuals interested in purchasing the report are probably out of luck. Priced at $1,995 (yes, that's a comma), the census is intended for contractors and service companies looking to invest or do business with the North American market. The census is the second publication from CMP's Game Developer Research group, which also published the industry salary report earlier this year.

[Via Sys-Con]