
Hottest Party boxart uses a cool color scheme

Konami has a weird idea of how to make a party look hot. It's not that this isn't a nice enough boxart-- it's attractive, and is a good color scheme for their basic "woman in silhouette on neon dance pad" boxart formula. We're not saying that the boxart suggests a bad party, although if Konami's idea of the hottest party is two people playing DDR ten feet apart in a dark room, then they must attend even fewer parties than we do.

All we're saying is that it's just not hot. The colors, by definition, are really more on the cool end in all but the logo. We were struck by the cognitive dissonance between the hottest party and this very icy-looking box. The boxart-inside-the-boxart thing is also great, but they've been doingthat for bundles since Charleston Charleston Revolution.