
Saturday PSP background explosion

Every week, PSP Fanboy brings you new backgrounds to beautify your PSP. Remember, you can save these images directly to your PSP by accessing the site wireless at We've just about filled all of our background requests, so if you've got a background you'd like to see, this is the week to do it. But that's the future, today we have a racing, FPS and an anime background.

Backgrounds after the jump ...

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First off we have Need for Speed: Pro Street. I wouldn't want to meet this car in a dark alley.

Gungrave's character designs were created by the manga artist behind Trigun. That shouldn't be too surprising when it's obvious that the baddassness is turned up to 11.

Killzone 2 made an amazing showing at E3 and so I'm sure plenty of PlayStation fans would like to have this background on their PSP.
