
US gamers get Really Cool Color Spotting Training [update 1]

If you're in the US, and you've ever thought of listening to Alisha and upgrading to a Lite, next month would be a good time to do it. A listing for the black/red DS Lite with an included copy of Brain Age 2 has shown up on Gamestop for $149.99, which is unfortunately not a price break at all. It also doesn't come with a carrying case like the Canadian bundle does.

We're confident enough in the awesomeness of the Brain Age 2 edition DS Lite that we can recommend it even against future color schemes. We always wanted the Boktai GBA SP, and now here it is as a DS! It may even fit in the Boktai coffin case.

[Update: The listing appears to have been removed! The same thing happened last time with Futureshop. You're just going to have to trust us. We totally saw it. It's totally real.]