
An even closer look at Halo 3's campaign

Bungie invited a hand picked group of media (ahem, where was our invite?) to Bungie Studios to take a closer look at Halo 3's campaign and show off a few new levels not seen at E3. The media were lucky enough to see campaign levels three (Tsavo Highway) and four (The Storm) and experience what they had to offer. They got to check out the Scarab's new and improved AI system where it'll actually look for targets and search for enemies as well as experience a few epic Covenant battles. In the article, Bungie also talks about how much more detail there is in Halo 3 versus its predecessors as well as hidden Halo skulls, meta scores, and The Forge. This is definitely a must read, so go get a new detailed look at Halo 3 and preview all the fun in store for us this September.