
Sony Europe and Sky to deliver on-demand video for PSP

While some may feel that the decidedly non-universal Universal Media Disc still has a bright future ahead of it, others looking for portable entertainment likely believe that a proper PSP video service is long overdue. Sony Computer Entertainment Europe and television service operator Sky seemingly agree, having today announced a cooperative venture that will grant PlayStation Portable owners in the UK and Ireland access to an on-demand video delivery system. The newly formed Joint Venture company "will draw on the unrivalled entertainment aggregation expertise and technical leadership of SKY, and the handheld entertainment knowledge and brand power of PlayStation." On paper, those certainly do sound like excellent things to, umm, draw on.

Sony and Sky (Skony?) promise "a wealth of video and film content" for PSP-ers in Ireland and the UK, and note that plans are already afoot to share said wealth with the rest of increasingly fortunate Europe. Further details regarding the service are expected to be announced during Leipzig's Game Convention next month.