
PS3 Poll Police: Is Ratchet and Clank a hit or miss for you?

The sirens echo off the walls of your living room, bedroom, or wherever you stow away your computer and/or television setup as the Poll Police roll in once again to question all your motives. This week we've heard a lot about the upcoming Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction, but we've forgotten one major issue that needs to be resolved: how many of you care? Platformers are generally excellent games but have been cut down to very few successful franchises. This week, the Poll Police want to know how you feel about the game.

How important is Ratchet and Clank to you?

It's easily a day one purchase.

I'll pick it up eventually.

I may try it out first.

It's just not my type of game. free polls

If you're curious about last week's poll results, go ahead and click through to see if your fellow readers take game reviews into consideration with their purchases. As a whole, negative reviews for videogames will ultimately affect how the game sells, but it's only pertinent to those in a very small market anymore. Even so, people read reviews in the first place because they want to know if the game is worth the effort to play.

This was a much closer result, relatively, than many of our polls in the past. If any of you checked on the results throughout the week, it was pretty entertaining to see the balance shift and sway momentarily, but ultimately you decided that reviews don't ultimately impact your purchase of a game, in this case, Lair. Many of you cited the EGM review as the reasoning behind the poll, which isn't completely false, but it was a much more broad scope -- do negative reviews make you change your opinion about a game? Two-thirds of you said no, it doesn't. We're glad to hear it, and we're sure Factor 5 is glad to hear it, too! As always, thanks for voting and we'll see you next week!