
PS3 Poll Police: Have you gotten Warhawk'd yet?

The Poll Police have stumbled across a new epidemic sweeping the globe, originating from a game called Warhawk. This disease, tentatively titled Warhawk'd, is a degenerative disease that causes those affected to sink into their couch in euphoric bliss, idling away time playing the PS3's greatest downloadable online experience. With that in mind, the Poll Police need your help once again to measure the breadth of this affliction -- have you been Warhawk'd? That is, have you purchased Warhawk?

Have you gotten Warhawk?

Yes, I'm totally Warhawk'd.

Not yet, but soon.

I don't really plan on it. free polls

The staff of PS3 and PSP Fanboy have all been taken down by this crushing disease and they couldn't be happier. They're curious to your status, even. What is everyone's rank? When you cast your vote, leave a comment telling everyone your rank to show who is in the "later stages" of the Warhawk'd epidemic. If you're curious about last week's poll results, they are after the jump as usual.

It's pretty obvious who got eclipsed in the release schedule. Perhaps it's indicative of Sony's hesitance to release Lair and tout it as a true AAA title, perhaps it's just fated to fade away into the early PS3 library. Either way you look at it, readers seemed to agree that Lair got the shaft in this triumvirate of game releases and we've got to agree. We can't pull ourselves from Warhawk yet, but Heavenly Sword should make its debut just in time to keep our attention. That's about all from the Poll Police this week. We'll see you next Sunday and, as always, thanks for voting!