
TUAW Talkcast #6: iPod announcement recap

Last week's TUAW Talkcast features an extended program of reactions, questions and reader responses to the big iPod annoucements with bloggers Lisa Hoover, Erica Sadun, Dave Caolo and Nik Fletcher; it also marks the talkcast debut of Mat "The Philosopher" Lu. We had great contributions from our call-in listeners and it was an enjoyable show for all, if a bit echoey at times. It clocks in at 1:08 and 39 MB. You can pick it up from our RSS & iTunes feeds, via direct download here, or via download and streaming over at Talkshoe. If you enjoy the show, be sure to throw a quick Digg our way.

Thanks to all of your poll responses, we're moving the talkcast to a new day and time: 9 pm Sunday nights, starting next week on September 16. We look forward to talking to you all then! For those who have had issues with the Talkshoe client, the new version released this week adds a more graceful text chat interface and the wide availability of the Shoephone VoIP built-in tool, plus 'anonymous call-in' allowing you to listen to the show over a regular phone without having a Talkshoe PIN -- more details next week.

TUAW & the entire Weblogs, Inc. family mourn the loss of TV Squad blogger Adam Finley. Our thoughts are with Adam's family and friends at this time. TV Squad will be publishing a tribute to Adam on Monday, September 10.