
iPhone $100 credit can be used for iTunes gift cards

Chris Tutor, from our sister blog Autoblog, emailed us a link to this Bloomberg article about the $100 iPhone credit (you have yours, right?). The first thing many people wanted to know about the credit was, 'Can I buy stuff from the iTunes store with it?' A quick look at the FAQ would make you think this is not possible, but Bloomberg spoke with an Apple rep who clarified the whole thing.

Here's the lowdown: you can't apply the $100 credit directly to your iTunes account, but you can swagger into any Apple Store, or log onto the online store, and buy yourself a $100 (or less) iTunes Gift Card. The only question that remains is, what are you going to spend all that loot at iTunes?

Update: Several people in the comments, and on other blogs, wrote me to let me know that this post is just plain wrong. It is not incorrect, the iPhone credit can be used for iTunes Gifts Cards NOT iTunes electronic gift certificates. I just purchased a $25 gift card from the online Apple store using my credit.