
Podcast Rodeo for Sept. 16: Yes, ear

It occurred to me that if I'm doing the Podcast Rodeo every Sunday, I should probably be making some football predictions based on my deep knowledge of the gridiron. So, what better time to start than now? Here's this week's football prediction:

Feats of athleticism will be on display and a good time will be had by all.

That complete, let's get to the Rodeo.

Evil Avatar Radio: We haven't linked to this show before and, in the parlance of the 80s, it's my bad, because this is really nicely done. We're especially captivated in this episode by an interview about the upcoming Halo ActionClix. Try to detect the point at which you're completely terrified when you realize how much money you're going to spend on them. Also, BioShock is discussed.

CAG Cast: We know we've posted CAG many times before, but we have to say this our favorite title for an episode ever. Also, find out how you can take your spot in the CAG world government that is apparently ever-approaching. Count us in. Also, BioShock is discussed.

Team Fremont Live
: When you have so many podcasts to listen to, some times you have one that you really like that seems to fall through the cracks. TFL is such a cast. Within the first 45 seconds, they're quoting Abraham Lincoln. How could you not love that? They're also talking about the 360's Messenger Kit and it's almost enough to make us want one. Almost.

Joystiq Podcast: If you haven't caught the fever yet, this will be the episode. It's the perfect blend of guys talking about video games and the high art of theater. Don't know what we're talking about? Go listen to the last five minutes and feel the culture. Also, BioShock is discussed.

OK, so that's all for this week. Keep those suggestions coming!