
Viva Pinata toys busting out of BK

In celebration of the release of Viva Piñata Party AnimalsBurger King is offering a collection of new kid and adult friendly Viva Piñata toys. The set of eight toys are available in BK's kids meals and include a "surprise in every piñata" where you'll find one of two possible toy options varying from flip books, to yo-yos, to a wicked cool party knocker. The eight Party Animal toys (Horstachio, Sparrowmint, Elephanilla, Fudgehog, Macaraccoon, Fizzlybear, Cocoadile and a Goobaa) are only available at BK for a limited time, so stock up, use them to decorate your desk or give 'em to a piñata'less kid in need.

[Via Pinata Island, Thanks jimmcq]