
Free HD DVD offer extended, new movies too

Back in July, Microsoft dropped the price of the Xbox 360 HD DVD player add-on to $179 in the US and threw in five free HD DVD movies as part of the Perfect Offer promotion. Well, that promotion was scheduled to end on September 30th, but now it has been re-instated until next year with a new set of movies to choose from.

The new five free HD DVD offer started October 1st and runs through February 28th, 2008 where with any new HD DVD player purchase, customers will get to choose five free movies. But, just like the other promotion, the movies are only obtained by mail (using this form) and the five free movies are limited to a select few titles broken into five different categories. A complete list of new HD DVD movies available in this offer as well as category breakdown can be viewed after the break. Oh, and did we mention King Kong is still bundled with the player? Well, it is, so it's like getting six free movies.

Also, it's worth mentioning that is running a special promotion where they're offering a free copy of 300 on HD DVD / DVD combo disc with any Xbox 360 purchase. The look and sound of perfect is now more affordable then ever.

Movies included in five free HD DVD offer
(only choose one from each category)

Category A:
Aeon Flux
The Italian Job

Category B:
The Hulk
Pitch Black
The Thing

Category C:
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Full Metal Jacket

Category D:
The Frighteners
U2: Rattle and Hum

Category E:
Black Rain