
SCE Australia boss talks 40GB PS3

After announcing that the 40GB PlayStation 3 is headed to Australia, Sony has set some lofty expectations for the new console in the region, Michael Ephraim told Gamespot. The Sony Computer Entertainment of Australia managing editor claimed that while Sony has sold 83,000 units since its launch in March, it expects to meet or exceed that number by the end of the year.

Ephraim also continued Sony's recent tactic of downplaying the significance of the lack of backward compatibility, he also said that at this point, the PS3 and the Wii should no longer be compared to each other. "Nintendo Wii should be compared with PlayStation 2 for the functionality, the experience, and the demographic it appeals to. Consumers in that space will compare between a PS2 and a Wii, not a Wii and a PS3 – they're just completely different animals," he said.

This isn't the first time Sony's said one of its products isn't in direct competition with Nintendo's, but it'd be interesting to see if it'd be singing the same tune if the sales numbers were reversed.