
FiOS media extender capabilities previewed

HD-hero Dave Zatz was the first person outside of Verizon to get a preview of their upcoming media extender functionality for FiOS, and he came away impressed. Expect his preview to cover a few posts, but installment #1 is up on his blog. First up, the Media Manager/Interactive Media Guide combo is getting richer navigation for music and photos. Nice, but more significant is the addition of video streaming. A variety of video formats will be transcoded on-the-fly to MPEG2. Currently, the resolution of the source material isn't scaled, but Dave mentions that we could see that change for release. There's a raft of other features in development that were shown off (including already-hinted-at remote scheduling and casual games), so check out the link and start waiting for the release over Q4 2007 - Q2 2008.