
Guild Wars State of the Game: Splits chapter 4

I like this concept, I do. Guild Wars has asked a player to sit down and give their impressions of the game. It's truly a player's perspective on what they like, and sometimes what they don't like about the game. Seeing the competitive gameplay and atmosphere of the world through the player's eyes is something you don't normally get unless you live on gaming blogs (but then again, you're on Massively reading about the games you love, so perhaps you do live on gaming blogs -- I know I do.) This project is endorsed by the development team, which I see as a different take on the blog. The content is certainly different.

The most current State of the Game series for Guild Wars deals with split tactics, those maneuvers that divide your opponents attention on the map between two or more points. Divided resources means you receive half the firepower from the enemy at any given point, making domination of the map that much easier. Now rather than spoil the read for you, I will let you know that chapter four deals with splits on Frozen Isle, Isle of Jade, Isle of the Dead, and Nomad's Isle. Because each map is different, the split tactics will vary depending on which you end up in. I knew there was a lot of strategy in PvP, but this is ridiculous.

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