
LotRO tip: Finding Cole Sickleleaf

LotRO's quests are diverse and interesting, often backed with lots of character. One thing, though, that I hear more about on the advice channels than any other, is the location of the Blackwold bandit, Cole Sickleleaf. Indeed, fellowships have ranged up and down Northern Chetwood looking for this infamous handkerchief-stealer for hours, yet he remains elusive, as groups walk right past his hideout.

It is one of the few serious stalls in the early part of character and quest progression in the Bree lands, and alone generates a fair bit of frustration. So, if you're searching for the infamous mister Sickleleaf, we'll show you where to look.

By the time you need to find Sickleleaf, you're well acquainted with the location of the Blackwold headquarters (northeast out of Combe, through the Combe lumber yard, follow the road). It's that sprawling stone ruin.

Most people look inside the ruin, across the road from the ruin, and generally around the walls, before heading off South into the woods in search of other locations. Rather than turning the place upside-down and shaking it to see what falls out, follow the road until you come to the end of the huge bulk of the Blackwold Headquarters. Deal with any Blackwolds, dangerous animals or rude strangers who try to bother you.

As you pass the Eastern edge of the ruin, you will see ahead that the road bends to the South-east a few hundred feet on. Just before it does, you will see an otherwise unprepossessing piece of stone wall, still standing from early in the Third Age. Some Blackwolds camp in the shelter of the stones, but they pose little additional threat. Be wary, however - a dangerous Warg sometimes trots along this stretch of road, and savagely attacks all it sees. At your likely level, only a large and very capable fellowship will be able to challenge it. Keep your eyes open, and avoid the beast if you see it.

Mostly hidden from sight behind this crumbling section of stone is the remains of an old tower base. Circle around it to reach the top - Cole Sickleleaf awaits you at the top. If you are level 12 or below, bring at least two friends.