
PC World pits Leopard against Vista

The gang at PCWorld magazine have sincerely accepted the premise that a Mac is really truly a personal computer, and as such deserves coverage in their fine industry publication. With a full and enthusiastic Leopard review (cribbed from sister mag Macworld), side-by-side Leopard & Vista feature comparison gallery (sure, Shadow Copy can back up your files, but can it give you motion sickness?) and editor Harry McCracken's 'tough love' 21 Quibbles with Leopard article, the full-court 10.5 press is definitely on. The "21 Quibbles" article is harsh as a butterfly kiss, starting out with McCracken noting that "[c]ompared to Windows Vista, Leopard is a meatier, more polished, more immediately useful, less annoying OS upgrade." Aww, Harry, we didn't know you cared!

My favorite PCWorld Mac-related comment is the brief note here in the Best Vista Laptops photo feature: apparently the fastest Vista laptop ever tested by PCWorld labs comes with another OS as a bonus. Apparently one of the advantages of not really caring if your laptop runs Vista is that it ends up running Vista really, really quickly.

Thanks to everyone who sent this in.