
Microsoft Office 2004 11.3.9 out for download

Got issues with Word quitting unexpectedly when you print a document? Don't be ashamed, it's perfectly normal, happens to everyone once in a while. If your printing potency isn't what it could be, try the new and improved Office 2004 11.3.9 update, now available for download.

The 2.5 MB update, offered in eight languages, requires Office 11.3.8 before installing. Happy updating!

Some confusion in the comments over version numbering; remember that Office applications don't all track as one, so you may well see Excel, Entourage and Word disagreeing on what version they are. I generally refer to the version of the "Microsoft Component Plugin" (/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/ Office/Microsoft Component Plugin) to see what overall version of the suite is installed. For the record, the picture above is not of an obscure Hebrew logo, as a couple of readers have wondered: those are the icons of Entourage, Word, Powerpoint and Excel respectively.

Thanks Laurie!