
Naughty Dog itching to work on next game and "get the most out of the PS3"

In an interview with 1Up, Evan Wells and Christophe Balestra of Naughty Dog detail the status of the company and how they feel moving forward onto other projects. Reiterating that Uncharted was developed as a franchise from the outset, Balestra states that everyone at Naughty Dog is incredibly eager to get stuck into their next project. With only 30% of the SPUs being harnessed for their first outing on the PlayStation 3, they seem determined to see what else they can do in the future.

The Naughty Dogs also explain that in migrating to the PS3, they had to leave behind their proprietary programming language, Lisp, and start from scratch. Now that they have, any future endeavours will be that much easier with their (not so) basic grounding in coding for the machine fully established. Check out the full interview for more insight into the company behind Uncharted: Drake's Fortune.