
Will it play Doom? Yes: id Software creates mobile division

Granted, mobile versions of Doom aren't exactly in short supply, but the variety of mobile games coming out of legendary id Software's arsenal is about to explode. Founder John Carmack's wife -- who just happens to have started Fountainhead Games, the co-creator of Doom RPG for phones -- has been tapped to lead id Mobile with the goal of creating mobile ports of Wolfenstein and Quake (official ones, anyway) along with a sequel to the moderately successful Doom RPG. Long term, Carmack's hoping that we're on a cusp of an explosion in the popularity of mobile gaming, an explosion that could very well end up being driven by full-force entries into the arena by companies like id as they start to pull top-tier game developers into a field that's been historically dominated by offal from the desktop and console gaming worlds.

[Via mocoNews]