
Irth Worlds going free-to-play... for at least 2 years

A very short post on the new Irth Worlds (the name seems to go back and forth between Irth Worlds and Irth Online) website drops the bomb that any account that has been created already, and any that are created up until the 29th of February next year, will not have to pay to play. This free play will begin on November 23rd. There is an unusual twist to this one though -- it seems they can only guarantee this situation for a certain period of time, saying that these accounts will remain free for at least two years. Evidently a lot of questions came flying in, as the Irth Worlds poster Damian has made two updates to the story since.

The first update clarifies a few things for people. It is noted that the client, as well as the subscription, will be free, and that there won't be character deletions or restrictions on the free accounts. The other thing that Damian says is that the download link is coming soon, as a new version of the game is being built for the free play accounts -- one can only assume an ad-supported build? Or perhaps a system of trading real-life money for in-game items, like Maple Story?

Part three of the free-play saga answers a few more questions, like what will happen for players who start after February 29th, and also mentions that there will be one server to begin with but more can be added in a matter of hours if they are required. The question I'd really like to know was not addressed however -- why two years? Damian says he will be making more updates leading up to the introduction of the free play service on November 23rd.

[Thanks, sturmur]