
PS3 Fanboy review: Operation Creature Feature

Operation Creature Feature is a game made specifically for the Eye. If you don't have the camera peripheral, read no further -- this game won't work for you. However, those that do have Eye will find that this experiment in video gaming an interesting diversion. Those that have $5 in spare change lying around won't do too poorly with this purchase. However, once the initial novelty disappears, the appeal of Operation Creature Feature quickly diminishes.

The goal of Operation Creature Feature is to carry innocent Blurbs, trapped inside a trap-riddled mine, to safety. In order to do so, you'll move your hands (and the rest of your body) to carry these critters to a goal in each level. There's a time limit, and death traps aplenty ... so players best be careful!

You won't be just using your hands. Because the game detects motion, players will find the Blurbs being dragged around by their shoulders, their necks, their feet. Instinctively, one will try to use their hands, but the camera will detect other parts of your body moving and move any Blurbs that get in the way. This can be frustrating at times, as players must learn how to keep their body still in order to attempt proper movement of the Blurbs.


It can be frustrating at times, especially in the later levels, to carefully move the Blurbs through such confined maps. Players will frequently find that the Blurbs just don't move in the players' intended path. Later levels require precision and timing -- something the controls inherently can't provide.

Regardless of the intrinsic flaws of the game, it's still amusing nonetheless to move your body in ridiculous ways in your attempt to save the Blurbs. For a nice twist on the game, bring a friend in front of the Eye. Heck, bring two or three friends. Each player can try to cover a portion of the screen and assist each other in the quest to get as many creatures to the goal. Here's a hint, however: make sure you stay still to "disappear." After passing a Blurb to another player, stay still and you won't be able to interfere with their actions.

Playing in a group will undoubtedly bring a lot of joy and laughter, but it will be short lived. There are only a handful of themed levels in each of the five worlds. The game can easily be completed in less than an hour. Once it's said and done, there's very little incentive to go back ... unless you find other hapless victims to play the game with. All in all, Operation Creature Feature may not have great controls, nor depth. Regardless, its novelty certainly makes it a game that every Eye owner should try at least once, and fans of alcohol may find it to be quite a pleasant drinking game.

PS3 Fanboy score: 5.0