
Virtually give a Virtual Console gift with video

Sick of browsing the "Knitting supplies and Burt Lancaster movies" section of your local department store, trying to find a Christmas for your grandma? Allow us to suggest the perfect holiday gift: Ninja JaJaMaru-kun. Or Double Dribble. Or any of the dozens of other games on the Virtual Console, which you'll be able to gift to friends (and super-hip grandmas) beginning Dec. 11 ... as long as you live in Japan. The video above walks you through the process so you can see just how easy holiday shopping will soon be for our friends in the Land of the Rising Fun.

Sadly, we don't know when we'll be able to use this feature, (it's supposed to be coming this month) so we'll have to make do with the third-hand joy of watching a virtual Japanese person give a virtual gift to his virtual Japanese friend. Hopefully we'll hear a U.S. date soon.