
It's a Devil May Cry 4 video blowout

With the announcement of a Devil May Cry 4 demo coming to the XBLM sometime early next year, Capcom decided to release a handful of new videos to show off the extreme awesomeness of DMC4. All the new video newness can be viewed after the break where we've carefully embedded them, and we think you'll agree DMC4 is one of the ultimate hack-n-slash games. Take the video embedded above for instance. First, you'll notice that Dante is one badass dude who is strong, witty and has a hint of cockiness. Second, you'll see that the gameplay is over the top slashing craziness that is sort of growing on us. Finally, after watching the video you'll see why we don't garden. We have a horrible fear of abusive, talking, female snake weeds. So much so, we sleep with a bottle of Roudup every night.