
Wii Chess looks comfortingly like the real thing

We find it inherently amusing that Wii Chess is -- minus a few frills -- the same game as countless other titles on the market, many of which can be bought with a small handful of spare change. Despite this, we still suspect Wii Chess' no-nonsense approach to the world's favorite strategy game could be a commercial hit for Nintendo; certainly, the budget price tag won't harm its chances.

There's a couple of things to note about the above video, however. One: that elevator music is freakin' hideous (and on that note, we'd really like MP3 support in this please, Nintendo). And two: where are the optional Nintendo-themed pieces?! To have Mario and Peach playing the king and queen would have been an excellent little touch. Other Nintendo games get outstanding fan service, so why not this? Two words: Missed. Opportunity.

[Thanks, Troy!]