
(1) Paint a Wii (2) Sell it for $250 + tax (3) Buy a Wii

While this doesn't answer the question we're guessing most people have about procuring a Wii – that being, "Where the crap can you find one?" – it does help out the starving artists amongst you with the slightly more sensitive topic of: "How the crap did you afford one?"

While it's not for us to judge your chosen profession and its financial rewards (we'll leave that job up to the millionaires in the comments section), we are here to share interesting video game info. Take the case of, a site run by two NYC-based artists who simply paint things they want and then sell those paintings to pay for the pictured item. For example: painting of Wii is sold for $270.92 (that's $249.99 + 8.375% NYC sales tax) which, in turn, is used to purchase a Wii. As for the buyer, we're guessing the painting ended up as some poor kid's last-minute Wii replacement gift.

"Open it, son. Look, it's a Wii!"

"I hate you, Dad."

[Via Gaming Steve]