
The Daily Grind: Revitalizing old content

A recent piece on our sister blog WoW Insider (spawned from a couple of great blog posts on the World of Warcraft LiveJournal community) got us to thinking about old endgame raid content. With games like EQ having set a strong pace for ambitious expansion releases and the inevitable raising of level caps, what does one do with the older raiding content once everyone's passed it by 10 or more levels? Sailoreagle and friends seem to have found a lot of value from the old content just from grouping in a small 3-man grouping and taking it on. On the flip side of that, many people may not have the ability to raid extremely high-end and get the uber gear that enables these types of small-group take-downs. Sure, you can expand the group size, but anytime you increase the number of players required to do something, you increase the chances that something, somehow will go awry.

For today, we'd like to ask what you think developers should consider doing with content that is outdated and you've since out-leveled? Should it just be left for smaller groups to run, as Sailoreagle and friends are doing? Should more developers look to the innovative ideas in CoX with the Ouroboros missions that enable players to go back in time and finish up arcs they've skipped, but in such a fashion as to keep it level-appropriate and thus challenging? Should there be another reward instead for higher-level players, such as worthwhile faction rewards, or something along the lines of WoW's Badge (token-based loot) system? How would you revitalize old endgame content after later expansions have left it in the dust? Or would you just leave it be?