
Share your '08 resolutions with X3F

Well fanboys, it's a new year, and with a new year come new year's resolutions (and game of the year awards). As people begin a brand new year, they attempt to start with a clean slate, get a fresh start. Some people try to quit smoking or find a way to better themselves. Considering our readers are all gamers, we thought maybe some people out there might like to share their gaming resolutions. Don't scoff, as there are plenty of worthy resolutions to be made. For example, resolving to not spend as much money on games, or perhaps resolving to try a new genre. As for us, our new year's resolution is ... 1080p (ba dum bum, ch!). But seriously folks, it probably is time for us to stop buying retro Xbox Live Arcade games in the middle of the night. A note to the wise, they are never as good as you remember them.

So, how about you? Got any resolutions to share?