
Wii party at ... the library?

We can only guess that gaming at the ALA's Annual Conference took off (and how!), since now a library in Florida is turning to the Wii in order to lure in new readers. The library in Cape Coral managed to get their collective mitts on a few consoles and will be using them for (undoubtedly loud) weekend events designed to get people playing, talking ... and reading while they await their turn at the onscreen action.

We can't help but wonder how this one will actually work. Details on the original article were slim (one might even say nonexistent), and Wii gaming can get pretty rowdy, even at organized events. Toss in people of all ages who want to get their hands on a Wii, and it could be a recipe for destruction -- not exactly conducive to a quiet reading environment. But hey, maybe we're just cynical and it will work like a dream.

[Via QJ]