
Tell us your most anticipated games of 2008

Alright, New Year's Day hangovers are (mostly) taken care of now, so it's time for 2008 to officially begin. We've already dispensed with our best games of 2007. Now it's time to look forward. We are speaking, of course, of the most anticipated games of 2008. It's hard to imagine that 2007 could be trumped, but we're more than willing to be proven wrong. This year promises some serious gaming goodness from the likes of Ninja Gaiden II, Halo Wars, Condemned 2, the next Banjo-Kazooie, Alan Wake, Grand Theft Auto IV, Silent Hill V, and a host of others. And let's not forget the unofficial releases like the next installment of Gears of War.

The truth is, there are so many games headed our way, we're bound to forget some. We're going to need some help keeping up with them all. So, our question to you: what games are you looking forward to the most in 2008? Let your opinions be known in the comments below. And don't forget, if you find some tasty info about a game your looking forward to, send it to our tips line. Happy 2008 everyone, let's make it a good year.