
Everybody's Nintendo Channel goes inside the Balance Board

The Everybody's Nintendo Channel keeps getting cooler, and we still have yet to hear any word about its release in other regions. We'd love to be able to check out interesting Nintendo-related programming on our Wiis. We'll have to settle for watching it on our computers in incomprehensible languages for now.

Josh from posted the latest video found on the service: a trip to the Minebea plant where Balance Board components are being made, and a look at the technology insidethe board. It's relatively low-tech compared to something like the Wiimote, but still clever. The Balance Board features an electronic strain gauge in each corner; by comparing the change in force on each strain gauge, the Wii can read the movements of your bulk. Apparently (according to the video) the same kind of sensors are used in robotics to help bipedal robots stand up.

It's a different approach from the Wiimote-on-tennis ball board Mike made, but we suppose it's pretty good. We do enjoy not falling and all.