
Konami emphatically denies latest MGS4 rumor

In what we believe to be record time, the latest Xbox 360 Metal Gear Solid 4 rumor has been debunked and called total bologna by none other than Konami's PR themselves. Who would have thought?

After hearing about XboxFamily confirming with a Konami rep that MGS4 was indeed headed to the 360, The Game Reviews contacted their Konami PR guy and he emphatically denied the rumor. Mr. Konami rep went on to say that "for the record, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots is a PlayStation 3 exclusive and there are no plans to develop an Xbox 360 version of the game." Ouch. A bit harsh. So, that should be the end of all Xbox 360 MGS4 rumors forever and ever, right? That is unless Konami is hiding something and doesn't want their big 360 announcement spoiled so they deny it only because they know MGS4 is Xbox 360 bound! Ha! Taking a denial of a rumor and turning it into a rumor ... we're pure genius.

[Thanks, Harjot Bajwa]