
Worldwide PS3 releases for the week of January 6th

While this week is better in terms of releases than last week, there's nothing special here. Japan has a good month ahead of them with games such as Disgaea: Hour of Darkness 3 and Devil May Cry 4 both arriving before February hits. As for the rest of the world? It's slim pickings until the 22nd, when Burnout Paradise is released. Here's the full release list:

US Games

EU Games

No new releases

Asian Games

Don't forget that your PS3 is region free, so if you're an NFL fan trapped in Europe or if you're an American who really fancies another copy of Armored Core 4, then you're in luck. Feel free to buy the above games and play them on a console of any region to your heart's content. Release dates are, however, subject to constant flux so be sure to confirm with whatever outlet you plan on using that the games are really being released.