
Fixing healing in BGs with daily quests

Reader James sent along this shot as an example after he saw my post a while back on how bad the state of healing in the BGs is, but actually, I think it's an improvement-- sure, most of that Paladin healing was probably on themselves, and especially the second Paladin was spending just as much time doing damage as he was healing, but really, this isn't too bad-- you've got at least two Pallys and two Priests who are casting heals the BG.

I think that certain people are healing in BGs than when I wrote that post back in October-- I've been in AB quite a bit lately, and I've seen more healing Paladins in there than ever. But I do think that Blizzard could still stand to offer some rewards to players for doing the right things (including healing) in the BGs, and I am convinced, as we've said on the podcast, that daily quests are the way to do it. Blizzard should offer daily quest bounties for doing x amount of healing, standing a few meters from an objective while it's captured (to encourage people to fight on the flags), and for doing all the other things that people really should do in BGs but don't do as much.

They shouldn't offer a quest for doing damage or making flag captures (because everyone already does that). But Blizzard should go out of their way to incentivize stuff that's less heralded like this-- the more reward they place on healing fellow players, the more people will step up to do it.