
Sony confirms LittleBigPlanet's planned September release

Sony has confirmed to CVG today that LittleBigPlanet is planned for a September release. Don't feel too down, though. We were supposed to be seeing a beta occuring before the end of 2007 and while there's no news on when that's coming, it should be during the first half of the year. Hopefully.

We're in two minds about this. Currently our philosophy is to assume any high profile game will get at least one delay before release. Just look at Metal Gear Solid 4. Does that mean we should expect LBP to land around Christmas (or, yikes, 2009?) or have the team now given themselves the time they need to get the game done by September? We're hoping for the latter. Bring on the beta!

More videos of the game, after the cut.

[Via Digg]