
Ape Quest sneaks onto the PSN Store [UPDATE]

Imagine our surprise. We usually take a little time to center ourselves before we check the PC PSN Store. While the PS3 gets lots of goodies every week, PSP owners are lucky if they get a PS1 game or two. Today, however, an unexpected surprise was waiting for us. Not only is Crash Bandicoot 2 available but so is something called "Ape Quest". From the description it seems to be a mini-game based RPG experience thing and is split into three different chapters, each of which is downloadable from the PS3 or PC Store.

The bundle of all three chapters (Blue, Red and Gold) is available for $19.99 with each chapter sold separately at $9.99 each. In order to "complete" the game you must download either the Blue or Gold chapter as well as the Red chapter. All of this is worthless, however, unless you download the Starter Pack, which no doubt contains the majority of the game information. We're not sure exactly how the game will play out, but we're looking forward to finding out.

[UPDATE] The PC store has now been updated to include Crash Bandicoot 2 and Ape Quest. Enjoy!