
PSP Fanboy hands-on: N+

N+ is one of the most stressful games ever made. Its simple exterior hides some of the most gruesome platforming challenges we've ever had to face. There are so many ways to die: fall from to far a height, you die. Get hit by lasers, homing rockets, bombs, mines, flying orbs -- you name it, and it will kill you. Even the most skilled gamer will find themselves getting completely destroyed by each of the game's 200 (!) levels.

While there were clear moments where we felt like simply throwing our PSP systems on the ground, we couldn't help but continue trekking onward. Strangely, you do feel like a ninja while playing the game, and when you're able to successfully complete an episode (which contains multiple levels), you feel truly accomplished. Like any good ninja, your character will be able to make some truly spectacular jumps. Over time, you'll learn how to exploit the wall jump and fly long distances like a pro.


What has us most excited is the online functionality of the game. There is a built-in level editor that will let you create your own devious stages. Save your creations to Memory Stick and get your system online via Infrastructure. After a simple two-step registration process, you'll be part of the online N+ community. There, you'll be able to play user created levels, rate them and download them to your game. You can also upload your own creations for the world to judge. There's the potential for an infinite amount of gameplay, so long as the community continues to thrive.

There's a lot of potential in N+, thanks to its lengthy single player campaign, level editor and online features. Yes, the graphics may be quite primitive, but the community aspect of the game is cutting-edge. We're going to spend more time with this intriguing PSP title over the next few weeks. Expect more before the game's release in March.