
Rock Band: Come get Sweet Blink Monkee DLC

Hot off of the Rock Band downloadable content grill and onto the XBLM are the three brand new tracks we told you about yesterday. Tracks from Sweet, The Monkees and Blink 182 to be exact. Each song will cost you 160 Microsoft points with only Blink 182 being a master track. Take a looksy after the break to get a detailed breakdown of today' Rock Band downloadable content and continue your love affair with the game's downloadable content. Oh, and have a super enjoyable time rockin' out to some Sweet Blink Monkee!

Today's Rock Band DLC
Individual Tracks - 160

"Action" as made famous by Sweet*
"Last Train to Clarksville" as made famous by The Monkees*
"All the Small Things" by Blink 182

(asterisk denotes cover song)