
Bionic Commando parachuting onto PSN this year [UPDATE]

Capcom has a thing for remaking their old games and putting them on new hardware, as you might have noticed if you're a PSP owner (Mega Man Powered Up, Mega Man Maverick Hunter X and Ultimate Ghosts & Goblins to name but a few). It has now been revealed that they will be attempting to cash in on the upcoming Bionic Commando title for the PS3 by remaking the old NES classic in full 3D. When we say "full 3D" we do, of course, mean "3D models and 2D gameplay".

Sounds fine to us, we're always happy to see new content hit the PSN. Of course, there's no indication as to when this might happen (gosh, we've been saying that a lot recently ... ) but Japan will get it in the Spring, so don't expect it before then.

[UPDATE] It turns out that the PSN game (Bionic Commando Rearmed) is not a remake, but is more of a sequel. The next-gen version of Bionic Commando is a remake, but in full full 3D. As opposed to Rearmed's "full" 3D, which is actually 2D with 3D models. Confused? So are we.