
European PSN Updates for January 17th

No PS1 games today, but there a couple of demos to enjoy, instead. These should keep you busy, but only if you're interested in sports. Basketball and football, to be precise. If you're not into sports then you might be interested by the add-on packs for Guitar Hero III and Folklore. Here's the full release list:

  • NBA 08 demo (free)

  • FIFA Street demo (free)

  • Guitar Hero III "Warner track pack" (£3.99/€5.99)

  • Folklore "Visions of the Tower" add-on pack (£1.49/€1.99)

  • Gran Turismo 5 Prologue trailer (free)

  • Borderlands "debut" trailer (free)

  • Brothers in Arms trailer (free)

  • Cloverfield movie trailer (free)

Guitar Hero III DLC? We're over it. Too little, too late. Not to mention the pricing. £1.49 per song is a bit steep, don't you think? We're far more likely to buy the Folklore add-on at that price. In fact ... there. We just did.

Also: you want Euros? You get Euros. Sorry it took us this long, but all PSN updates for Europe will now contain the prices in Sterling and Euros, making these updates truly European.