
Show and Tell: Things are cracking up all over

Usually, this is a happy space, wherein we show off things we've made or lovingly put together, things that celebrate our gleeful fan-person ways. Today, however, we have a sadder story ... a story about hinge cracks. It's been a while since we talked about crack-related issues, so it seems fitting that when we revisit the issue, we go with something devastating. But wait! We know what you're thinking. This doesn't look so very bad, does it? Head past the break to see the extend of the damage ....

Reader Jeff assures us that this DS (which belongs to his younger brother) has been through no particularly heinous accidents or abuse, and it's only been in use for about a year. All we can do is shake our heads. Poor, poor DS. We hardly knew ye.

Remember, if you have something to show off (even if it's a little depressing), we want to see it. From crafts to cakes to collections ... whatever you've got, if it has a little Nintendo flavor, we'll take a look. Just take some pictures (or copy your web album links) and send them to showmeit [at] dsfanboy [dot] com. We'll take care of the rest.