
Win two Mythos beta invites, lose yourself

There's a contest going on at MMOCrunch until Monday January 21st at 10:00 am PST, where two lucky people can each win a Mythos beta invite. Now, we know what you're probably thinking, "These beta invites are everywhere!" and you're right, Mythos beta invites are practically falling out of the sky. However, some readers out there haven't gotten in on the chopping, hacking, slashing action yet and as fellow hack n' slash junkies we feel for them.

It's a good thing people in this beta are so giving, because if you haven't tried Mythos yet you really should. We do feel that we should warn you, however. If you're the type of person who gets incredibly addicted to pointing, clicking and subsequently killing/maiming/exploding all sorts of enemies you might want to think twice. Many of you surely have families, friends and concentrated doses of the free-to-play monster may be detrimental to your life.

For those of you not sure what all the fuss is about, check this video out.