
Sababa Toys shows the iNo

In the Moscone West "first look" section we found Sababa Toys demonstrating their iPod music-trivia game called 'iNo.' Unfortunate naming scheme aside, it looks pretty fun. You push your iPod into the device, it plays a random song while hiding the screen. If you think you know the song (or artist, etc.-- there are cards you draw), you press a little handheld button, which stops the song so you can answer. The iNo is also a speaker/iPod charger, although it uses six AA batteries, so maybe not the most economical charger in the world. Still, if you are tired of playing the built-in iPod music game and have some time to kill with musically-inclined friends this is a unique effort from one of the pluckier vendors we found at Macworld.

To see the thing in action watch the video after the break.

VIDEO: Sababa Toys' iNo