
Tim Schafer muses on the wonders of Uncharted's 'half-tuck'

Avid readers of Joystiq and PS3 Fanboy know that we have a small crush on Tim Schafer. Why? You can find out for yourselves. After reading his latest blog entry on Uncharted, you may also become his fan.

"I just finished Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, and I will tell you this: I liked it a lot. It had beautiful environments, fun platforming, and the awesome phrase, 'I'll kick you to sleep!' You should all go play it right now. It was all super next-gen, but the most next-gen thing about it to me was Drake's shirt. Check it out: Somehow it's tucked in, and yet not tucked in, at the very same time. Of all the technical marvels contained in Uncharted, this was the one that really mystified me."

This is easily one of the most entertaining rants we've seen, that affirms both Uncharted's undeniable quality and the mysticism of the half-tucked shirt. And, coming from the mouth of Schafer himself -- you can know that this is truth.

[Via NeoGAF]