
NARUTO: Ninja Destiny gets beefed up for North America

Even though Japanese gamers know their way around a video game, it would seem that Tomy and D3 are doing all they can to make sure NARUTO: Ninja Destiny is better than its Japanese cousin when it arrives in North America. What they've done is smoothed out the framerate, increasing the tension of combat. Nobby Matsuo, the associate producer from Tomy , says "the gameplay experience markedly different is what you would be used to if you played the Japanese version in terms of the button responses, attacks and the speed of the combat. It's a lot more frantic, it's a lot faster." Hey, we're all for fast combat in a ninja-based game!

Other improvements include an overhauled story mode, where the North American storyline is completely different from the Japanese version of the game. The single player campaign will take place between episodes 100 and 140.
