
Codemasters to publish Jumpgate Evolution

Jumpgate Evolution fans can cheer now-- the game's got a publisher. Codemasters is going to publish the game, according to a press release they dropped this morning. As we've reported before, they've been very successful with MMOs in Europe, running DDO, LotRO, RF Online, and ArchLord there. It's unknown whether Jumpgate Evolution is the game they were planning to announce in March (or if there is another announcement coming), but Codemasters says they're proud to bring the game to both European and American audiences.

And as for a release date, they don't mention anything we haven't heard before. Besides confirming that the game should come out sometime in 2008, Codemasters doesn't reveal anything further than "late" in the year. We'll let you know about news of the release as we hear it.
